Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Governmental Corruption within

As the decades pass and difficult times separate families, our government appears center stage with their hands wide open and even deeper in our pockets completely ignoring the best interest of the child.

The American citizen holds no rights as covered under the constitution, at least until the government approves such actions by the drafting of there own policies and rules. The mainstream Media is failing the general population horribly by not exercising their freedom of speech and exposing these very same issues.

Commonly in our country, individual civil rights are violated, and due process is ignored while the discretion of the judicial branch of our government runs free rain in such a destructive manner that they have the ability to Re-draft and ignore the every day common laws of the land. In my Video testimony I am attaching a link to, you will understand the truth of my allegations.

You must watch all four video episodes recorded by William Wagener from California to understand its entirety, initially you will draw some conclusions that are not entirely accurate.
Onsecondthought.tv/videos.htm You will arrive at on second thought TV with host William Wagener from California; you must follow the links displaying Richardson Vs CPS criminals. Sincerely Douglas Richardson Victim of Governmental Corruption dougmrich@yahoo.com